Money, money! People work for it, die for it, and some kill for it. Some see it as necessary for a happy life. Some spend it, some save it, and a few even wash it. Is it a source of evil or a gate to heaven? How much must one have before one can say, “Enough is enough”?
Man’s wishes and frivolous desires are endless and will never be met. “If a man is granted two valleys of gold, he will seek to acquire a third one.” Those who have 99 sheep would love to get one more to make it a hundred. This explains why all religions command us not to kill to inherit, nor ask to be so rich that we forget God, nor so poor that we sin. Wealth is better than poverty, yet money can’t buy happiness. The beggar by the side of the road may possess more peace and security than the very rich who may fight him for it. They say money can buy you the most suitable bed but not the ability to sleep. We are not meant to go after money for its own sake but in order to improve the quality of our lives and the lives of others, such as our wives, children, relatives and the needy. We hear of people retiring from their jobs but never retiring from seeking money. Some continue the pursuit of money and become too old to enjoy it. They are well off yet never happy enough. A job promotion, a pay raise, a new car, a new house, a new computer — these things may make you happy, but how long will your happiness last? Over time, they become worthless, and your desires turn to something else.
In the money hunt, we always aim to get more. But whether we enjoy more makes all the difference. A person is sure to be happy if he finds other things that he can call wealth. He can be rich in friends, family, health and knowledge.
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